Vánoční čas s pohádkou? Na KGM se to povedlo! V pátek 16.12.2022 studenti z kvart zahráli pohádku v angličtině Dvanáct měsíčků pro primy a sekundy. Tady jsou ohlasy diváků. Když divadélko bylo v angličtině tak i ohlasy byly anglické:
„In my opinion it was really nice! I liked a lot when the months described themselves, costumes and decorations and the girl singing. I enjoyed the scenes where the months were doing „magic“. It was funny. I was surprised when the months appeared. I liked how the actos interacted with the audience and threw fake snow and candies at them. I think there should be more stuff like this. One thing I didn´t like that it was short.“
Mgr. Nina Ludvíková, Vladimír, Magda, Sofie, Almond